Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Letting go of it all

Sometimes I think the only reason you stay in contact with me is to let me know
how "well" you're doing now that you've moved on.

I'm happy for you. Now fuck off.

Boys are like purses. You're always gonna have that one boy that you're always comfortable with and you know you'll always kind of like. That's your purse that you wear everywhere. Then you have that gorgeous bag that you want everyone to see you with but the gorgeous bag is usually an asshole or costs a lot of money. Then you have those other purses that you really like but you really don't want to be seen with.

"Carrie: There is no way that the love that I had with Big is the same thing he has with Natasha. Miranda: Natasha? When'd you stop calling her the Idiot Stick Figure With No Soul? Carrie: About three weeks ago when I saw them at Cafe M. He was holding her hand and smiling and...I finally got it. They're happy, slash, we're over. And it was okay." - Sex and the City

"Look, I am seeing someone right now - who, by the way, is great - and yet there's this other woman who I cannot get out of my head. She's totally unavailable, which may be why I can't get her out of my head, and maybe, and this is a whole new theory - I keep thinking of this other woman - the unavailable one - because I am so afraid that the first thing might actually work out and God forbid I ever do something that might actually make me happy. " - Scrubs

"No one deserves to be treated that way. So even if you love him with your entire heart, with every fibre of your being, with so much passion that it hurts to think about it, you need to forget what you want and remember what you deserve."