Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 27

A quote i try to live by:

"~The most selfish one letter word "I" Avoid it. The most satisfying two letter word "We" Use it. The most poisonous three letter word "Ego" Kill it. The most used four letter word " Love" Value it. The most pleasing five letter word "Smile" Keep it. The fastest spreading six letter word "Rumor" Ignore it. The hardest working seven letter word "Jealously" Distance it. The most powerful nine letter word "Knowledge" Acquire it
The most essential ten letter word "Confidence" Trust it

i dont remember who said this but one of my professors said it and i just cant get it out of my head. its very obvious why i try to live by it. it kind of speaks for itself. i think this is one of the most truthful quotes i have ever come into contact with. its a great quote and i believe one that truly speaks to our insecurities. so hopefully someone else might come to love it as much as i do. :)